Yoga is a Hindi word which means addition: but while using this term in connection with the judgement of a horoscope, yoga means a combination or disposition of some planets in such away as to mar or improve the structure of the horoscope. Good disposition of the auspicious planets in the horoscope gives rise to beneficial yogas which have been given different names as Dhana Yogas meaning wealth giving combinations, raja yogas meaning combinations which gave name,fame,honour and wealth to the native. still highly categorised yogas are called maha bhagya yogas , maha raja yogas the native. classical texts on Hindu Astrology are full of such yogas .
At first we will describe how the Dhana yogas (wealth giving combinations) and Daridra yogas (Poverty giving yogas) are formed.
Dhana Yogas :
01) when lords of 09th and 11th house are in one house
02) when lords of 09th and 10th house are in one house
03) when lords of 09th and 04th house are in one house
04) when lords of 09th and 05th house are in one house
05) when lords of 09th and 01st house are in one house
06) when lords of 09th and 02nd house are in one house
07) when lords of 10th and 11th house are in one house
08) when lords of 10th and 04th house are in one house
09) when lords of 10th and 05th house are in one house
10) when lords of 10th and 02nd house are in one house
11) when lords of 10th and 01st house are in one house
12) when lords of 11th and 01st house are in one house
13) when lords of 11th and 02nd house are in one house
14) when lords of 11th and 04th house are in one house
15) when lords of 11th and 05th house are in one house
16) when lords of 01st and 02nd house are in one house
17) when lords of 01st and 05th house are in one house
18) when lords of 01st and 04th house are in one house
19) when lords of 02nd and 05th house are in one house
20) when lords of 02nd and 04th house are in one house
21) when lords of 04th and 05th house are in one house
These yogas will bear fruit only if they are formed in auspicious houses i.e 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th,10th and 11th. They will be of little value if they are formed in houses 3,6,8 and 12. Not only the associationof the above planets constitutes dhana yoga but the yoga arises also if there is mutual aspect or even one sided aspect amongst them.
Daridra Yogas :
Combination of Lords of :
01) 06th and 02nd Houses
02) 06th and 01st Houses
03) 06th and 04th Houses
04) 12th and 04th Houses
05) 12th and 02nd Houses
06) 12th and 01st Houses
07) 06th and 10th Houses
08) 12th and 10th Houses
09) 06th and 05th Houses
10) 06th and 07th Houses
11) 12th and 05th Houses
12) 12th and 07th Houses
13) 06th and 09th Houses
14) 12th and 09th Houses
15) 06th and 03rd Houses
16) 12th and 03rd Houses
17) 06th and 11th Houses
18) 12th and 11th Houses
Rashi Parivartan Yoga :
This means when the lord of one sign (house) is in another sign and the lord of the latter sign is in the former. This yoga becomes a mahabhagya yoga if exchange is between lords of auspicious houses viz..2,4,5,7,9,10 and 11. Such yoga gives in the mahadasa of one and the antardasa of other planet (who are involvedin the yoga) great name , fame and wealth. However , if the exchange is between the lord of good house and lord of 3,6,8 or 12it is called dainya yoga which causes ups and downs and struggles in life, particularly in the mahadasa and antardasa of planets involved in the yoga. The exchange of houses between lords of 3,6,8,and 12 amongst themselves is good and becomes vipareet rajyoga.
Sunapha Yoga :
When there are planets in the 2nd to chandra this yoga is caused. it gives wealth,name and fame to the native according to the natural qualities of planet.Even a malefic is considered good in this yoga-of course he will give the benefit according to his own qualities. Ravi,Rahu and Ketu don't count in this yoga.
Anapha Yoga :
This is formed when there are planets in the 12th house to chandra. Here it is better if the planets are natural benefics. Malefics give trouble and benefics give the native name , wealth , fame and success: but all has to be achieved by his own efforts .Here also Ravi,Rahu and Ketu are not considered.
Durudhara Yoga :
This is caused when there are planets both in the 2nd and 12th houses to chandra. Benefics give very good results and malefics cause trouble. Benefics and Malefics combined give mixed results.
Kemadruma Yoga :
This is an inauspicious yoga and is caused when there are no planets in the 2nd and 12th houses to chandra. Presence of this yoga in the horoscope , it is said , lessons the good effects of other yogas and gives little success to the native in his life. It is beleived that the evil effects of this yoga are cancelled if chandra is posited in the horoscope in kendra to the lagna , or chandra is in his own sign kataka or if there are planets in kendra position of chandra.
Chandra Mangal yoga :
If Kuja (Mangal) is associated with Moon this yoga is formed. Some say that this yoga is also formed if there is mutual aspect between chandra and kuja. The effect of this yoga is gain of wealth through occupations like bad works. If the combination has good aspect of Guru or Sukra, the gain of wealth will be through fair means.
Lagnaadhiyoga and Chandraadhiyoga :
When there are benefics (Guru,Sukra and Budha) in the houses 6,7 and 8th or 6th or 7th or 8th from lagna or chandra (chandra lagna) this yoga is formed. For the yoga to be fully effective it should be formed by all three benefics not by one or two only. The presence of this yoga in the birth chart will make the native polite and trustworthy , happy , wealthy , famous and will enable him to be victorious over his enemies. This is considered to be one of the most beneficial and auspicious yoga.
Chatussara Yoga :
This yoga is caused when all the kendras are occupied by planets. With this yoga in th horoscope the native will earn good reputation, will be very well off in his life and will be blessed with children and will have name and fame all over the country.
Vasumati Yoga :
This yoga is formed when benefics occupy Upachaya houses (3.6.10 and 11) from lagna or chandra. The result of this yoga is that person will not be dependent on others and will be wealthy.
Amala Yoga :
This yoga is formed when there is a benefic in the 10th housefrom chandra or lagna . The presence of this yoga in the birth chart will enable the native to acheive lasting fame and reputation. He will have good moral character and be prosperous.
Kahala Yoga :
This yoga is formed when the lords of the 4th and 9th houses are in kendras from each other and lord of lagna is strong. This yoga makes the native stubborn,brave and head of village or community.
Subha Vesi Yoga :
If benefic planets other than chandra occupy the 2nd from Ravi, this yoga is formed. This yoga makes the person fortunate , happy, virtuous and famous.
Papa Vesi Yoga :
This yoga is formed by the malefics being 2nd to Ravi. The result is opposite to ShubhaVesi Yoga.
Subha Vasi Yoga :
Benefic planets are in 12 th house to Ravi. The effect is good orator, well proportioned limbs , wealthy and famous.
Papa Vasi Yoga :
PapaVasi Yoga is formed by malefics in the 12th to Raviand gives opposite results.
Ubhayachari Yoga :
This is formed when there are planets on both sides of Ravi. Obviously benefic planets will give the results of the Shubha Vesi and Shubha Vasi yogas and the malefics the reserve of that.
Gaja Kesari Yoga :
Thsi yoga is formed when Guru is in kendra from chandra. This yoga gives many relations , makes the native polite and generous , builder of a village or town or its ruler and famous.
Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas :
1) Ruchaka Yoga : when Kuja is in his exaltation sign and is in kendra to lagna or chandra. The person born in this yoga will have good health , will be ruler or will hold high office in the army or police. He will be liberal , wealthy and longlived.
2) Hamsa Yoga : when Guru is in his exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to chandra or lagna. With this yoga the native will possess a beautiful body , he will be liked by others and will have a good moral character.
3) Bhadra Yoga : when Budha is in his exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or chandra the person born in this yoga will have good physique and well proportioned limbs , strong as that of a lion. He will be longlived and will do good to others.
4) Malavya Yoga : when Sukra is in his exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or chandra. Person with this yoga will have a well built body , be handsome ,wealthy , happy with wife and children. He will also be longlived, famous and will have the comfort of vehicles-(his own or those under his control).
5) Sasa Yoga : when Shani is in his exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or chandra. The person with this yoga will have many servants at this disposal. He will be cruel , a leader or the head of a village,town or he will be inclined to deprive others of their riches for his own benefit.
Pushkala Yoga :
This yoga is formed when the lord of the sign occupied by chandra (who should be associated with the lord of lagna) be in kendra or in the house of an intimate friend aspecting lagna and at the same time lagna be occupied by powerfull planets. This yoga makes the mative wealthy soft-spoken, famous and respected by government.
Lakshmi Yoga ;
This yoga is formed when the lord of lagna is powerfull and the lord of the 9th occupies a kendra trikona in own or exaltation sign.With this yoga the native will be noble , rich , learned , handsome , famous , honest , good ruler and will enjoy all comforts of life.
Kalanidhi Yoga :
Thsi yoga is formed when Guru be aspected by Budha or Sukra either in the 2nd or in the 5th house and Guru be in the 2nd or 5th in the sign of Budha or Sukra. This yog makes the native highly passionate , good natured , respected by authorities and he gets comforts of conveyances and other luxuries.
Kusuma Yoga :
This yoga is formed when Guru is in lagna , the chandra in the 7th and Ravi in the 8th from chandra. With this yoga the native will be a person of avery high status or be head of a town , village or community and he will have good reputation.
Asatyavadi Yoga :
This yoga is formed when the lord of the 2nd occupies the house of Shani or Kuja and if malefics join kendras and trikonas. This yoga makes the native a perfect liar.
Raja Yogas :
1) Three or more planets should be in exaltation , own house , occupying kendras.
2) When a planet is in debilitation but is retrograde and occupies a favourable position.
3) Three or Four Planets possess digbala.
4) The lord of the sign in which a planet is debilitated or the planet who would be exalted there should be in kendra to chandra or lagna. This is also called Neechabhanga rajayoga.
5) Chandra be in kendra (not in lagna) and be aspected by Guru.
6) Out of the lords of the 2nd,9th and 11th houses, at least one planet be in kendra from chandra , and Guru be lord of 2nd , 5th , or the 11th house.
7) (a) Lord of 9th in 9th
(b) Lord of 10th in 10th
(c) Lord of 9th in 10th or Lord of 10th in 9th
(d) Lord of 9th and 10th in 10th or in 9th
(e) Lord of 9th from 9th i.e. 5th in 5th
(f) Lord of 10th from 10th i.e. 7th in 7th
(g) Lord of 10th from 9th i.e. 6th in 6th
Mahabhagya Yoga :
As the name denotes this yoga is supposed to make the native very fortunate. This yoga is formed in day birth chart if the Lagna , Chandra and Ravi are all in odd signs. In a night birth chart the Lagna , Ravi and Chandra shold be in even signs.
Yoga is a Hindi word which means addition: but while using this term in connection with the judgement of a horoscope, yoga means a combination or disposition of some planets in such away as to mar or improve the structure of the horoscope. Good disposition of the auspicious planets in the horoscope gives rise to beneficial yogas which have been given different names as Dhana Yogas meaning wealth giving combinations, raja yogas meaning combinations which gave name,fame,honour and wealth to the native. still highly categorised yogas are called maha bhagya yogas , maha raja yogas the native. classical texts on Hindu Astrology are full of such yogas .
At first we will describe how the Dhana yogas (wealth giving combinations) and Daridra yogas (Poverty giving yogas) are formed.
Dhana Yogas :
01) when lords of 09th and 11th house are in one house
02) when lords of 09th and 10th house are in one house
03) when lords of 09th and 04th house are in one house
04) when lords of 09th and 05th house are in one house
05) when lords of 09th and 01st house are in one house
06) when lords of 09th and 02nd house are in one house
07) when lords of 10th and 11th house are in one house
08) when lords of 10th and 04th house are in one house
09) when lords of 10th and 05th house are in one house
10) when lords of 10th and 02nd house are in one house
11) when lords of 10th and 01st house are in one house
12) when lords of 11th and 01st house are in one house
13) when lords of 11th and 02nd house are in one house
14) when lords of 11th and 04th house are in one house
15) when lords of 11th and 05th house are in one house
16) when lords of 01st and 02nd house are in one house
17) when lords of 01st and 05th house are in one house
18) when lords of 01st and 04th house are in one house
19) when lords of 02nd and 05th house are in one house
20) when lords of 02nd and 04th house are in one house
21) when lords of 04th and 05th house are in one house
These yogas will bear fruit only if they are formed in auspicious houses i.e 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th,10th and 11th. They will be of little value if they are formed in houses 3,6,8 and 12. Not only the associationof the above planets constitutes dhana yoga but the yoga arises also if there is mutual aspect or even one sided aspect amongst them.
Daridra Yogas :
Combination of Lords of :
01) 06th and 02nd Houses
02) 06th and 01st Houses
03) 06th and 04th Houses
04) 12th and 04th Houses
05) 12th and 02nd Houses
06) 12th and 01st Houses
07) 06th and 10th Houses
08) 12th and 10th Houses
09) 06th and 05th Houses
10) 06th and 07th Houses
11) 12th and 05th Houses
12) 12th and 07th Houses
13) 06th and 09th Houses
14) 12th and 09th Houses
15) 06th and 03rd Houses
16) 12th and 03rd Houses
17) 06th and 11th Houses
18) 12th and 11th Houses
Rashi Parivartan Yoga :
This means when the lord of one sign (house) is in another sign and the lord of the latter sign is in the former. This yoga becomes a mahabhagya yoga if exchange is between lords of auspicious houses viz..2,4,5,7,9,10 and 11. Such yoga gives in the mahadasa of one and the antardasa of other planet (who are involvedin the yoga) great name , fame and wealth. However , if the exchange is between the lord of good house and lord of 3,6,8 or 12it is called dainya yoga which causes ups and downs and struggles in life, particularly in the mahadasa and antardasa of planets involved in the yoga. The exchange of houses between lords of 3,6,8,and 12 amongst themselves is good and becomes vipareet rajyoga.
Sunapha Yoga :
When there are planets in the 2nd to chandra this yoga is caused. it gives wealth,name and fame to the native according to the natural qualities of planet.Even a malefic is considered good in this yoga-of course he will give the benefit according to his own qualities. Ravi,Rahu and Ketu don't count in this yoga.
Anapha Yoga :
This is formed when there are planets in the 12th house to chandra. Here it is better if the planets are natural benefics. Malefics give trouble and benefics give the native name , wealth , fame and success: but all has to be achieved by his own efforts .Here also Ravi,Rahu and Ketu are not considered.
Durudhara Yoga :
This is caused when there are planets both in the 2nd and 12th houses to chandra. Benefics give very good results and malefics cause trouble. Benefics and Malefics combined give mixed results.
Kemadruma Yoga :
This is an inauspicious yoga and is caused when there are no planets in the 2nd and 12th houses to chandra. Presence of this yoga in the horoscope , it is said , lessons the good effects of other yogas and gives little success to the native in his life. It is beleived that the evil effects of this yoga are cancelled if chandra is posited in the horoscope in kendra to the lagna , or chandra is in his own sign kataka or if there are planets in kendra position of chandra.
Chandra Mangal yoga :
If Kuja (Mangal) is associated with Moon this yoga is formed. Some say that this yoga is also formed if there is mutual aspect between chandra and kuja. The effect of this yoga is gain of wealth through occupations like bad works. If the combination has good aspect of Guru or Sukra, the gain of wealth will be through fair means.
Lagnaadhiyoga and Chandraadhiyoga :
When there are benefics (Guru,Sukra and Budha) in the houses 6,7 and 8th or 6th or 7th or 8th from lagna or chandra (chandra lagna) this yoga is formed. For the yoga to be fully effective it should be formed by all three benefics not by one or two only. The presence of this yoga in the birth chart will make the native polite and trustworthy , happy , wealthy , famous and will enable him to be victorious over his enemies. This is considered to be one of the most beneficial and auspicious yoga.
Chatussara Yoga :
This yoga is caused when all the kendras are occupied by planets. With this yoga in th horoscope the native will earn good reputation, will be very well off in his life and will be blessed with children and will have name and fame all over the country.
Vasumati Yoga :
This yoga is formed when benefics occupy Upachaya houses (3.6.10 and 11) from lagna or chandra. The result of this yoga is that person will not be dependent on others and will be wealthy.
Amala Yoga :
This yoga is formed when there is a benefic in the 10th housefrom chandra or lagna . The presence of this yoga in the birth chart will enable the native to acheive lasting fame and reputation. He will have good moral character and be prosperous.
Kahala Yoga :
This yoga is formed when the lords of the 4th and 9th houses are in kendras from each other and lord of lagna is strong. This yoga makes the native stubborn,brave and head of village or community.
Subha Vesi Yoga :
If benefic planets other than chandra occupy the 2nd from Ravi, this yoga is formed. This yoga makes the person fortunate , happy, virtuous and famous.
Papa Vesi Yoga :
This yoga is formed by the malefics being 2nd to Ravi. The result is opposite to ShubhaVesi Yoga.
Subha Vasi Yoga :
Benefic planets are in 12 th house to Ravi. The effect is good orator, well proportioned limbs , wealthy and famous.
Papa Vasi Yoga :
PapaVasi Yoga is formed by malefics in the 12th to Raviand gives opposite results.
Ubhayachari Yoga :
This is formed when there are planets on both sides of Ravi. Obviously benefic planets will give the results of the Shubha Vesi and Shubha Vasi yogas and the malefics the reserve of that.
Gaja Kesari Yoga :
Thsi yoga is formed when Guru is in kendra from chandra. This yoga gives many relations , makes the native polite and generous , builder of a village or town or its ruler and famous.
Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas :
1) Ruchaka Yoga : when Kuja is in his exaltation sign and is in kendra to lagna or chandra. The person born in this yoga will have good health , will be ruler or will hold high office in the army or police. He will be liberal , wealthy and longlived.
2) Hamsa Yoga : when Guru is in his exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to chandra or lagna. With this yoga the native will possess a beautiful body , he will be liked by others and will have a good moral character.
3) Bhadra Yoga : when Budha is in his exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or chandra the person born in this yoga will have good physique and well proportioned limbs , strong as that of a lion. He will be longlived and will do good to others.
4) Malavya Yoga : when Sukra is in his exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or chandra. Person with this yoga will have a well built body , be handsome ,wealthy , happy with wife and children. He will also be longlived, famous and will have the comfort of vehicles-(his own or those under his control).
5) Sasa Yoga : when Shani is in his exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or chandra. The person with this yoga will have many servants at this disposal. He will be cruel , a leader or the head of a village,town or he will be inclined to deprive others of their riches for his own benefit.
Pushkala Yoga :
This yoga is formed when the lord of the sign occupied by chandra (who should be associated with the lord of lagna) be in kendra or in the house of an intimate friend aspecting lagna and at the same time lagna be occupied by powerfull planets. This yoga makes the mative wealthy soft-spoken, famous and respected by government.
Lakshmi Yoga ;
This yoga is formed when the lord of lagna is powerfull and the lord of the 9th occupies a kendra trikona in own or exaltation sign.With this yoga the native will be noble , rich , learned , handsome , famous , honest , good ruler and will enjoy all comforts of life.
Kalanidhi Yoga :
Thsi yoga is formed when Guru be aspected by Budha or Sukra either in the 2nd or in the 5th house and Guru be in the 2nd or 5th in the sign of Budha or Sukra. This yog makes the native highly passionate , good natured , respected by authorities and he gets comforts of conveyances and other luxuries.
Kusuma Yoga :
This yoga is formed when Guru is in lagna , the chandra in the 7th and Ravi in the 8th from chandra. With this yoga the native will be a person of avery high status or be head of a town , village or community and he will have good reputation.
Asatyavadi Yoga :
This yoga is formed when the lord of the 2nd occupies the house of Shani or Kuja and if malefics join kendras and trikonas. This yoga makes the native a perfect liar.
Raja Yogas :
1) Three or more planets should be in exaltation , own house , occupying kendras.
2) When a planet is in debilitation but is retrograde and occupies a favourable position.
3) Three or Four Planets possess digbala.
4) The lord of the sign in which a planet is debilitated or the planet who would be exalted there should be in kendra to chandra or lagna. This is also called Neechabhanga rajayoga.
5) Chandra be in kendra (not in lagna) and be aspected by Guru.
6) Out of the lords of the 2nd,9th and 11th houses, at least one planet be in kendra from chandra , and Guru be lord of 2nd , 5th , or the 11th house.
7) (a) Lord of 9th in 9th
(b) Lord of 10th in 10th
(c) Lord of 9th in 10th or Lord of 10th in 9th
(d) Lord of 9th and 10th in 10th or in 9th
(e) Lord of 9th from 9th i.e. 5th in 5th
(f) Lord of 10th from 10th i.e. 7th in 7th
(g) Lord of 10th from 9th i.e. 6th in 6th
Mahabhagya Yoga :
As the name denotes this yoga is supposed to make the native very fortunate. This yoga is formed in day birth chart if the Lagna , Chandra and Ravi are all in odd signs. In a night birth chart the Lagna , Ravi and Chandra shold be in even signs.
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