Sunday, 23 December 2018


Each planet is supposed to get a particular share of strength when he occupies a particular position. There are the following six kinds of strengths considered in Hindu Astrology - called Shadbalas :
Sthanabala :
This is the strength which a planet derives by virtue of his occupying a particular house in a horoscope. A planet gets Sthanabala when he is exalted, is in his own house , moolatrikona and friendly house or when he is in own sign in shadvargas.
Digbala :
This is the directional strength. Guru and Budha have Digbala in the East (that is , when they are posited in Lagna), Ravi and Kuja have Digabala inthe South (10th House) , Shani in the West (7th house) , Shukra and Chandra inthe North (4th house).
Chestabala : (Motional Strength)
Ravi and Chandra get this source of strengthbwhen they are in Makara , Kumbha , Meena , Mesha , Vrishabha and Mithuna rashi (which is Ravi's northernly course i.e Uttarayana), Kuja , Budha , Guru , Shukra and Shani get this source of strength when they are in retrograde motion or when they are in conjunction with Chandra (i.e within 12 degree of Chandra).
Kalabala :
This means temporal strength. Chandra , Kuja , Shani are powerful at night (i.e in chart of night births). Ravi , Guru , and Shukra are powerful during the day. Budha is powerful both during the day and in the night . Malefics and Benefics are powerful during the dark half and bright half of the lunar month respectively. Budha is powerful at sunrise , Ravi at noon , Chandra at midnight , Shani in the evening , Kuja at first part of the night and Shukra at the last part of the night. Guru is powerful always. Planets are said to be powerful in their week days,months and years.
Drigbala :
Drigbala is reckoned as a result of aspect to which each planet is subjected to by the other. The aspect of a malefic or an enemy planet the Drigbala of the aspected planets while the Drigbala is increased if he receives the aspect of a benefic or friendly planet.
Naisargikabala :
This means permanent or natural strength. Ravi , Chandra , Shukra , Guru , Budha , Kuja and Shani are strong in the above order. Ravi is most powerful and Shani has the least natural strength or Naisargikabala.

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